Instructional Leadership Corps - Year 3: Taking Root

This morning I'll be presenting with my fellow ILC team member, David Keys. We prepared a presentation on: 
Fostering “Academic Conversations” in ALL content areas in K-12 Grade Levels Speaking and Listening Across the Common Core

Click here to access today's slides

I prepared terrific freebies for you! Click on the following link to access a bunch of my posters I use to set up collaborative groups and rubrics to measure success.

Rubric for Group Activity or Group Project

You can see a full post I did on this topic by clicking HERE

Join the NEA Professional Practice Communities!

What is this?
The NEA Professional Practice Communities, a place where teachers, parents, school support and administration professionals, and community members share ideas and resources to improve student success. It is free and open to all!

Click on the following link to join my online community:
Common Core K-5

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